Brain machine interfaces for serious gaming application

Serious games are intended to provide an engaging, self reinforcing context to motivate and educate the players. One of the challenges in serious gaming is to provide intuitive interaction techniques. Serious games are meant to facilitate creative and educational processes and so they should optimally exploit the cognitive resources of the participants. Current control interfaces for moving around and manipulating objects do not resemble the way we complete these tasks in the real world and force users to spend a substantial part of their cognitive resources on tasks that require almost no cognitive resources in the real world. A Brain Machine Interface (BMI) allows communication between a user and a machine without the use of the user's sensory-motor systems. For instance, a BMI that is able to distil movement commands from brain activity may enable a user to move around and manipulate objects hands-free and mindfree. At present, the vast majority of BMI research is focused on medical applications, but a spin-off to applications for healthy users is expected. This paper presents recent developments in serious gaming and BMI research.
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In: Marvin J. Dainoff (Ed.) Ergonomics and Health Aspects of Work with Computers. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4566)
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